Some criticism..
overall it's a nice track, but here and there, I can find a few things that would bother me if I was the one working on it. As a start, your intro is a little bit boring, just a bass. You'll find it quite amazing if you'll add a fruity filter/free filter and put an automation clip of the frequency. It'll do 2 things: first is to make the intro less boring, and the 2nd is to variate your synths so that they won't sound like presets (which they are).
Another thing is the vocals you chose, you could easily record your own vocals and put some stuff on em, just to make em cooler. Also the timing of the vocals is a lil bit offtime with the patter appearance, try to move em so they'd fit the tempo.
And the last thing is the piano. a little bit too much delay, but lacks reverb on it. Add a reverb, lets say like 30-40%, and lower the delay a bit. It'll make it sound like the pieano's playing in a big hall or a canyon.
Thats it for this 1, gl with your future works!