Good to have you back man! That's a decent comeback track, top5 is good 4 it!
Anyways keep it up and hopefully we'll hear more stuff soon =D
Good to have you back man! That's a decent comeback track, top5 is good 4 it!
Anyways keep it up and hopefully we'll hear more stuff soon =D
long time no see eh? I've been working pretty much recently so I didn't have the chance to do many things, and yet I came in here and saw your song on 1st place! ou really deserve it! Especially for this piece! Thanks to you (and some few others) people can listen to some GOOD music on this site, not only the common failure I hear from most of the new submissions lol. Keep it up and don't mind the 0 bombers! It's the reviews that present the REAL score!
as always my friend thanks for the review. Also, Meh zero bombers arn't really hurting this track all that much. Every so often i'll see it go down but thanks to the listeners it goes right back up *LOL*. Much luv man.
very good!
I enjoy listening to your music, even though it's just for the fact you're using some unique chord sets. That really helps the over enjoyment of processing the song through the ears lol. I liked the drums, and the piano as well, but it was the violin (it was a violin wasn't it?) that made the real big difference. GREAT job and keep it up!
Lol yea, I keep searching for new chord schemes although, not all are unique :P Some are very many used and Yes it's a violin. Glad you liked it!
That's a nice piece of jazz! people won't appeciate jazz these days, it's all about kicks,bass and a cheesy generic melody, or something they can just bounce to. Though I'm sure there are people who DO listen to almost all the kinds of music like myself, I guess there are just only a few on NG. Anyway, I really could see this one on a quiz flash, or the early stages of "Snake" (till it gets faster and changes to something...well..faster =P)
Good job!
yes, jazz isn't too poupular here, though, pop-jazz is very popular! (a shame I can't sing... :P). Well, glad you liked it :)
Thats a funny tune, kind of strange though, because there is no certain pattern for it. But since it's "thinking out of the box", it's only a plus! The piano lacks a lil bit reverb (just a slight) in my opinion, but that's a matter of taste. I've heared this drum loop in one of nate's songs as well, at this point you could've been a lil bit more original. overall it's a great one!
Robbundie's Activity Log
08/23/08 Created NG account.
08/24/08 Still hasn't contributed anything to the site, so here's an advertisement:
you really can't give out reviews like that with your record...go try and make something... little wannabe <.<
not bad...
to be honest thats one of the only house tracks I really liked, but it sounds only FINE and not more than that, really can't undestand how it got to 1st place in top5...
not bad at all...
Thats nice and all, which is the fact I'm giving you the 9, because it has nice buildups and generally I wouldn't change it too much, just a few volume adjustments and stuff like that, but I must tell you that in case you're using this bassline, which had pretty much all the variations it could have, you should thing "out of the box" to make it sound like something new because people listening to it will probably say "HEY! I've heared this 1 somewhere already!".
It's also a lil bit generic, all the leads have the same patter, try making em a lil bit more variated. I'd say that's all for now, can't think of anything else to point out atm. Still a good job!
Deserves a 10!
Finally finished it lol, I was waiting for that since the preview, turned out great.
The name fits perfectly, it's like something that you feel you can catch, but it's not really solid or liquid, just like I would describe memories. Simple and yet it has something special. Very good gob on it!
really nice!
I've heared pretty much loads of remixes of this 1 on Myspace, this is definatly one of the best in there, mostly because it preserves the main melody but yet it is a real remix for a change, not just a remake.
Music is just another way to express ones feelings...
Age 34, Male
Holy Land
Joined on 10/17/07